The Discipline Debate

The self-professed wisdom of modernity has long sought to impose a secular—and often statist—view of disciplining children on society. From its early machinations in the era of Thomas Dewey to the mistaken musings of Dr. Spock, worldly humanists have called themselves experts and advanced steadily into the realm of raising children in what has become…

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Communication Skills

Good communication skills rank among the highest of traits employers desire. Whether that falls into the realm of public speaking, writing understandable reports, or simply letting a manager know of an upcoming absence, the ability to communicate well helps others feel more informed, engenders trust, and prevents countless problems. Indeed, a brief review of those…

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Portrait of a Lovely Woman

Geography and era have a tremendous effect on how people see beauty. A basic survey of art history demonstrates this principle rather quickly, but even a quick review of noted Hollywood beauties over the last century would produce a similar result. The standards for female beauty in Northern Europe, Central Africa, the Middle East, and…

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Knowing the Difference

No one shows up in your life with a sticker on the lapel saying, “I am a gossip,” no matter how helpful that warning might prove. Similarly, to my knowledge, no one on Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media site provides a profile picture that reads, “Cagy Internet Troll.” Instead, we must figure these…

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Better Than Gold

A crisis provides many opportunities for people of all stripes to display or fail to display wisdom. Whether personal, national, or global, a crisis presents an array of choices with the possibility of vastly different outcomes—but also typically with a lot of unknowns. During these times leaders often emerge, and pretenders wilt. However, one major…

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Sweet Talk with a Bitter Aftertaste

The coronavirus pandemic has created a bizarre combination of reactions ranging from mocking irresponsibility to mass hysteria and panic. In the early days, ignorance spread far more quickly than knowledge, and people assumed a level of safety rooted in misinformation. This quickly transformed into modern society’s best impersonation of a zombie apocalypse as normal people…

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Cheapened Sexuality

As news headlines remind us on practically a daily basis, improper sexual behavior remains a significant issue regardless of political party, ethnic group, or social strata. Sexual sins tempt anyone from politician to preacher, exist in every form from sexual harassment to prostitution, and appear anywhere from the Internet to Hollywood’s casting couch. The people…

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What the LORD Hates

We live in a world of hate. Indeed, headlines reflect a lack of incivility in America that hearkens back to the days of fistfights in Congress, social media outlets keep inventing new rules to curb people’s zest for malice—except for instituting expectations of true human decency, and the various entertainment venues to which people formerly…

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Financial Planning

Everywhere you look in modern society you find a connection between money and power. Either people with money want power or people with power want money. This pattern does not depend on any particular political system. This truth plays out in democracies, communist states, socialist countries, and totalitarian regimes all around the world, and history…

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