A Material Myth

We live in an age filled with unparalleled advances in technology. These have made it possible for people everywhere to have access to multiple luxury items that make everyday life easier than ever. For those willing, food and clothing are available at much lower costs. Transportation and communication improvements have created a society so mobile…

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No Man Is Sure of Life

In the ongoing discussion between Job and his friends, Job maintained his innocence with frustration and fervor, responding to the increasingly virulent attacks made against his life and character by his friends with precision and logic. He had yet to figure out the full impact of his circumstances and the greater lesson they implied; however,…

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When He Has Tested Me

People are quick to tell you that life is not fair. It is an axiom that comes quick to the lips just due to hearing it so often—so quickly that we often do not think about what we are saying. It is an explanation of sorts—and sometimes a justification. When trials and hardships come our…

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“If a Man Dies, Will He Live Again?”

The reality of various hardships in life strikes more often than we would wish and usually harder than we think we can endure. Some battle guilt and depression while others fight health challenges, both on a daily basis. Within hours we may mourn the loss of one dear to us and also learn of the…

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I Would Not Live Forever

We all have bad days–some days worse than others. Some battle sickness that makes trips to the doctor and taking medications an integral part of life. Some face life-threatening diseases that takes all strength just to exist from day to day. Other people are challenged by a completely different set of struggles, dealing with depression…

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