A Not-So-Mythical Creature
When the LORD spoke out of the whirlwind to Job, He humbled him by asking a series of questions about creation that demonstrated God’s power and man’s weakness. He spoke about the various ways in which the weather demonstrated His strength and control. Then He began describing powerful animals He created to demonstrate that, despite…
Read MoreA Hippopotamus It is Not
The book of Job presents a powerful account detailing the havoc God allowed Satan to wreak in one man’s life in order to demonstrate that physical circumstances can be completely unrelated to a person’s spiritual well-being. The lengthy discussion between Job and his friends provides insight into the assumptions and problems of the ancient doctrinal…
Read MoreHorsepower
Throughout the LORD’s lengthy questioning of Job, He provides numerous examples from nature to demonstrate His own power through the power of His creation. In Job 39 he includes a series of illustrations referring to various animals that we tend to take for granted. At both the beginning and ending of the Disney movie Secretariat,…
Read MorePrepare Yourself Like a Man
Man up. Years ago, those two words could hardly constitute a sentence. The combination of a noun and a preposition simply do not have what it takes to pass grammatical muster. But then someone very clever found a way to make “man” a verb too. Man up. The phrase may be of recent invention, but…
Read MoreTerms of Repayment
The human experience is riddled with instances of hardship, trauma, turmoil, pain, and suffering. With very few exceptions, these ultimately will intrude on everyone’s life. However, despite this undeniable record, as individuals we seem to live as if we believe we can beat the odds. Rather than accepting these challenges as part of life, we…
Read MoreThe Mere Edges of His Ways
Job’s friends began their speeches with great bluster and ended with a tiny whimper. They thought they understood everything they needed to know to address Job’s situation, but their assumptions could not stand up against Job’s rebuttals. Thus, as Job countered this final attempt, he challenged their presumptive manner in claiming to speak on God’s…
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