Digital Devouring
Recent activity on Facebook–that social media platform known for congeniality, reason, and unity–has once again demonstrated how much God’s people have allowed the divisive attitudes of modern society to color and contaminate their interactions. Rather than exhibiting the noble attitude of the Bereans (Acts 17:11), the ignoble traits of politics and partisanship tend to rule…
Read More7 Lessons Every Preacher Must Learn
From the moment preachers graduate from school and begin a work, they typically become the focal point of learning in the local congregation. The nature of the work necessarily includes the built-in expectation of advanced knowledge and the ability to communicate. The man of God must prove himself a man of character, ready to face…
Read MoreThe Power of Positive Wording
Words have tremendous emotional power. They can convey the deepest love or the strongest hatred. They can lift people’s spirits or leave them beaten and abused. Unfortunately, we rarely pay significant attention to the words we utter. We speak to be heard without considering the emotional impact of the words spoken. However, even if we…
Read MoreStriving, Quarreling, and General Disagreeableness
In only six months, the year 2020 eclipsed the chaos of any other year in recent memory. It opened with the impeachment of a president and quickly pivoted to a fast and furious primary cycle, only to find COVID-19 furiously stalking the world and, through shelter-in-place orders, turning a robust economy into an economic catastrophe.…
Read MoreA Prudent Wife
The book of Proverbs addresses some of the most practical aspects of life. From handling finances to dealing with people, its inspired wisdom offers meaningful insight to all willing to listen. However, one of the interesting observations available in a book largely written by a man whose home life left much to be desired pertains…
Read MoreA Plea for Civil Discourse
So. Much. Anger. No matter where you turn today, angry people seem to dominate discourse. It has become extremely difficult to find a reasonable discussion that focuses on facts, thought, reason, and balance—regardless of the subject matter. The entire temperament of society currently revolves around having a “hot take” rather than having an informed opinion. Clearly…
Read MoreCommunication Skills
Good communication skills rank among the highest of traits employers desire. Whether that falls into the realm of public speaking, writing understandable reports, or simply letting a manager know of an upcoming absence, the ability to communicate well helps others feel more informed, engenders trust, and prevents countless problems. Indeed, a brief review of those…
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