
I will admit that my memory is not what it used to be. When I was younger, I remembered vocabulary words quickly and easily, information for tests pretty well, and a lot of trivial information better than most. At one time I could have told you the starting lineup for the Dallas Cowboys for the first […]

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Spiritual Maturity

Most of us have been there. Pushed to the edge of our ability to cope, emotionally and physically exhausted, and feeling overwhelmed from the pressure, we lose our cool and lash out. Or perhaps we just grow frustrated and impatient with the process. However, the self-control, perspective, and peace that spiritual maturity offer grow us […]

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The Sadness of Betrayal

We have all been there—shocked, dismayed, and in utter disbelief when a close companion makes a sharp turn away from that friendship to cause hurt, harm, and heartache. A closeness once assumed unbreakable crumbles at the speed of sound with angry words and heated argument. Friendships forged in common cause often pass as quickly as […]

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No Fear

Fear has become a mainstay of political propaganda. According to a wide array of websites, the election of the candidate they oppose would lead to consequences so severe and catastrophic that the very fabric of society and life itself might hang in the balance. The hyperbole used by the candidates and political parties themselves has […]

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Sheep for the Slaughter

Every once in a while you go through a period of time when you are afraid to ask what might happen next because of how much bad news you have received. Not that long ago, it seemed like members of the congregation were passing away at an unprecedented rate. The heartache and sorrow this brings […]

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Hope in God

Rampant immorality and anti-Christian hostility dominate the news media in America today, and sadly the culture in general as well. The promotion of the homosexual agenda—and other similar perversions—that in previous generations would have received practically universal censure now enjoy legal protection, while the rights ensuring the freedom to criticize and condemn such behavior has […]

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Into Your Hand I Commit My Spirit

Most people do not like to think about death—even when it might be imminent. The human drive for survival remains so strong that, even in the most desperate of circumstances, the mind concentrates on how to survive rather than on the alternative. However, Psalm 31 provides insight into how faith can look beyond survival to…

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Looking Forward to Morning

When we are young, every difficulty, every setback, and every obstacle seems practically insurmountable. Whether challenges in education, starting a job, or dealing with the stress that responsibility brings, we sometimes find ourselves wondering if we can endure these hardships. However, after some time passes and the anxiety fades, we find ourselves in far more…

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My Heart Greatly Rejoices

The harsh rhetoric and violence that have come to America in recent years has threatened to replace the American Dream with an American nightmare. It is not that extremism and violence are new or even new to the North American continent. The change that so many feel as a burden every time they wake to…

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One Thing

We live in a scary world. We face danger abroad and division within. Violence has become the day to day language of news broadcasts, and anger has embittered many so much that they cannot see beyond their resentment. In some places people dare not walk alone at night over even the shortest distances. Indeed, what…

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