God’s Word
Why Preachers Fail Doctrinally
Since at least the days of Hymenaeus and Alexander, some preachers have lost their moorings doctrinally and suffered shipwreck concerning the faith (1 Tim. 1:18-20). Sometimes this accompanies or attempts to justify a moral failure, but often the doctrinal digression stands alone. Leaving the truth often occurs early in a preacher’s ministry when—while still young…
Read MoreThe Privilege of Teaching
No matter how many times a new quarter begins, and no matter how many times I have taught a slate of classes, the fresh anticipation of walking a new group of students through the depth of a biblical text or explaining the nuances of a skill most people take for granted brings both excitement and…
Read MoreThe Faith of Moses…and More
During my recent course covering the book of Hebrews—while studying the well-known faith chapter, Hebrews 11—we came to the section addressing the life of Moses and a particular problem. In Hebrews 11:27 the author writes, “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is…
Read More7 Lessons Every Preacher Must Learn
From the moment preachers graduate from school and begin a work, they typically become the focal point of learning in the local congregation. The nature of the work necessarily includes the built-in expectation of advanced knowledge and the ability to communicate. The man of God must prove himself a man of character, ready to face…
Read MoreWhich Way Do You Lean?
In the earliest days of sports in America, hand-eye coordination and natural athleticism ruled the day. That does not mean that athletes did not train or prepare—competitors did that even in the ancient world—but rather that they focused solely on improving themselves. In many individualized sports, this remains the focus. However, in a number of…
Read MoreShutting Down the Argument
The rise of social media has made it possible for people to take talking down to people and talking past one another to new heights of incoherence and belligerence. (That is a fancy way of saying that people spout a lot of nonsense and provoke arguments as if it is their purpose in life.) Social…
Read MoreAssumed Perspectives
Disagreements have never been easy. Even when the other person lives a continent away and your own settings entirely control the posts you see, conflict raises the blood pressure and creates unwanted stress. The closer you are to a person, the higher the stress level. The more personal the issue, the higher the stress level.…
Read MorePerpetuating Traditionalism
American society finds itself in the midst of a rapid number of changes. Tolerance for anything and everything (except for biblical standards) has replaced an appreciation for basic morality. The reemergence of socialistic thought among millennials is challenging the long-held principles of free market capitalism in the halls of government. The principle tenets upon which…
Read MoreYou’re Not Really Helping Here
Just for a moment, imagine the following effort of a well-meaning, God-fearing soul attempting to help out a friend who is dealing with problems in life. “How long do we have to put up with your attitude? Do you think God messed up? It’s your children’s own fault they died in the storm. God was…
Read MoreBlind Squirrels and Acorns
Interpreting the book of Job presents numerous challenges, even though the basic message of the book is straightforward and clear. The first two chapters record the LORD’s commendation of Job to Satan and the subsequent challenge presented that led to Job’s suffering. The last chapter records the LORD’s restoration of Job and the commendation for…
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