The Pattern for Social Stability
The last few years American society has experienced a rapid decline in basic social stability. One by one, various cornerstones of morality and civility either have eroded beyond recognition through neglect or have been destroyed through the combined blows of political activism and judicial overreach. Competing factions on the social and political spectrum have grown…
Read MoreThe Path to Maturity
Rebellion against authority, selfish demands, and violence dominate the headlines today, accompanied by various justifications rooted in ignorance of history and its value, in newly concocted microaggressions visible only to the easily offended, and identity politics so removed from reality that meaning ceases to exist. Sadly, the cacophony emanating from riots not recognized as riots,…
Read MoreStriving, Quarreling, and General Disagreeableness
In only six months, the year 2020 eclipsed the chaos of any other year in recent memory. It opened with the impeachment of a president and quickly pivoted to a fast and furious primary cycle, only to find COVID-19 furiously stalking the world and, through shelter-in-place orders, turning a robust economy into an economic catastrophe.…
Read MoreInevitable Conflict?
The algorithms of social media encourage polarization. However, I do not mean this in some conspiratorial way. To the contrary, the programming that determines what we see on social media combines several metrics, including, but not limited to: (1) words and phrases that reflect high interest subject matter, (2) attention demonstrated by others regarding certain…
Read MoreA Plea for Civil Discourse
So. Much. Anger. No matter where you turn today, angry people seem to dominate discourse. It has become extremely difficult to find a reasonable discussion that focuses on facts, thought, reason, and balance—regardless of the subject matter. The entire temperament of society currently revolves around having a “hot take” rather than having an informed opinion. Clearly…
Read MoreCommunication Skills
Good communication skills rank among the highest of traits employers desire. Whether that falls into the realm of public speaking, writing understandable reports, or simply letting a manager know of an upcoming absence, the ability to communicate well helps others feel more informed, engenders trust, and prevents countless problems. Indeed, a brief review of those…
Read MoreCheapened Sexuality
As news headlines remind us on practically a daily basis, improper sexual behavior remains a significant issue regardless of political party, ethnic group, or social strata. Sexual sins tempt anyone from politician to preacher, exist in every form from sexual harassment to prostitution, and appear anywhere from the Internet to Hollywood’s casting couch. The people…
Read MoreThe Path to Purity
The challenge of chaste living and moral purity, especially sexually, in the midst of a culture seemingly dedicated to the promotion of depravity, places Christians today on common ground with God’s people of ages past. While the temptation may sometimes come through today’s technology, the flesh to which it appeals has proved consistent throughout generations…
Read MoreGuarding Your Heart
The oft-given advice to “Follow your heart” may rank among the worst popular concepts in history. It encourages selfishness, eliminates standards, and eschews guidance. It treats desire as a virtue and personal experience as truth. While Postmodernism has created an entire culture around this, its existence predates the modern era by millennia. In fact, Eve…
Read MoreA Covenant with My Eyes
During the time of his trials, Job endured sorrow and suffering, ridicule and reproach, but the wild accusations of sin leveled against him by his own friends clearly upset him—as we surely can understand. They had charged him with a multiplicity of sins, assuming the worst due to the suppositions of their erroneous theology. In…
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