Social Unrest
The pervasiveness of decay in today’s society pounds a steady drumbeat of immorality threatening not only to destroy the culture but more specifically to undermine the very essence of truth. Under such circumstances, the faithful struggle to maintain their place and even their identity amongst the onslaught of negativity hurled against Christianity and morality in general. As frustration with the environment builds, so does the inner cry for God to do something about it, and so God’s people today can appreciate Asaph’s plea opening Psalm 83, “Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God!” (Psa. 83:1).
The enemies that rose up against Israel displayed a hatred toward God and His people which serves as a reminder of the relationship between darkness and light (Psa. 83:2). Likewise, the foes we face have many faces and come from various directions, and the combination of their efforts wears down the resolve of the weak (Psa. 83:5-8). It feels much like a conspiracy against all that it is right as Satan and his cohorts “have taken crafty counsel against” God’s people (Psa. 83:3). They want to eliminate godly influence and the role of faith that challenges their godlessness (Psa. 83:4). However, their ignorance reveals their weakness. They do not realize the power of God that fuels the fire of faith. Therefore, even in tumultuous times the godly can have confidence that God can overcome them today just as swiftly and surely as He did in the past. The means may differ (Psa. 83:9-10), but their end will follow the same path of all those who presumptuously opposed Jehovah (Psa. 83:11-12). They boast in their wickedness in the moment, but God will destroy their works in the end. They will not stand against His Word forever but will perish in their pride (Psa. 83:13) and flee with fear when the LORD rises up to defend His cause (Psa. 83:14-15). However, despite all the evil they have done, the divine desire remains “That they may seek Your name, O LORD” (Psa. 83:16). It is not vengeance we seek against our enemies but indeed their own salvation, if they will but listen. For if they reject God and His will, they will “be confounded and dismayed forever;” they will “be put to shame and perish” (Psa. 83:17). For in the end, God will be glorified, and all will acknowledge that Jehovah and Jehovah alone is “the Most High over all the earth” (Psa. 83:18).
Thus, while God’s people today justly speak out with righteous indignation as the forces of darkness led by the prince of the power of the air lead wave after wave of desolation against righteousness, relentlessly charging into the fray to bring down the godly standards that provide the support for society and prevent anarchy, the opposition of Christians must be more than an effort to repel the attack; it should also persevere ever onward in pushing the truth forward so that even our enemies might come to seek God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). Therefore, may our prayer, even regarding our most virulent foes, be for their correction and salvation. May God defeat their works, and may God’s people win them over to the truth.